The ease of vitality

Free yourself from negative patterns
and begin to live a life of vitality

This project is still very new and the profound impact on humanity is just being documented and summarized.

On this project day, the participants experience an absolute liberation from deep-seated programming codes that have been anchored on the DNA from the 13 blood families.

These codes sitting on the DNA are activated as soon as one consumes mainstream media, listens to music or even just goes shopping. Because every TV program, every magazine, all company logos of large corporations and much more have been connected with frequencies that make these codes on the DNA vibrate to activate certain programs in humans.

These programs can be: Fear, anger, rage, insecurity, addiction, restlessness, pettiness, arrogance, lack, self-destruction, doubt and many more.

Thus, people are limited in their vitality every day and thus only a limited potential of self-determination and self-love is available to mankind.

Through various contracts with the 13 blood families, politicians, celebraties are also carriers of these frequencies, which activate these programs in humankind. Which program is activated in each case in humankind, depends on the individual contracts. Contracts that were made with different lodges.

On the day "The lightness of vitality" exactly these codes are deleted from the DNA and the connection to the individual lodges is cut.


The codes are deactivated forever and vitality moves back into the DNA, into the brain activity, and thus into life. The own, unspeakably deep manifest of life begins to vibrate again. Very powerful changes are also visible in pets here.

The own, unspeakably deep manifest of life begins to vibrate again.

Very powerful changes are also visible in pets here.

Project contribution for the day "The lightness of vitality" and the liberation of the seals of the 13 blood families from the DNA is 1,800 euros and takes place in these challenging times via Skype.

The so-called "gaze", where the reprogramming of the boxes is stopped, costs 111 euros and can also be activated via a picture.

You would like to be a vitality consultant for "The ease of vitality" yourself and free people from the power structure of blood families and accompany them into a free life?

We offer meetings via Skype and would be very happy if many people would like to share this unique opportunity.

This project is also accompanied by documentation of the effects of liberation on people, animals and plants.

Just call for more information!

Vitality Consultant 1

For more information, download the pdf.

Vitality Consultant 2

For more information, download the pdf.

Vitality Consultant 3

For more information, download the pdf.

Vitality Consultant 4

For more information, download the pdf.

Vitality Consultant 5

For more information, download the pdf.

Vitality Consultant 6

For more information, download the pdf.

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As a Medial Healer and Spiritual Surgeon, planning is crucial, which is why all appointments such as trips, seminars & workshops are always scheduled at the beginning of the year.

Here you can find all events 
